Memory of Trudy

Created by Bailey 3 years ago
so ive known trudy a very long time she was one of my nans best friends and she got me my first job cleaning and the first person i told when i found out i was pregnant with toby and she helped me out alot during my pregnancy and even after she treated me to a photoshoot of my bump to bbay and was there and both photoshoots and we went to the park after the last one and sat there for about 2 hours playing with toby and i was the most beautiful thing to watch there bond grow we loved her and still love her now i have the teddy srill that she brought toby the day he was born sent me flowers and a card too i have so many memories that i will treasure forever and it breaks my heart to think that she has gone when she still had her whole life ahead of her and she will be greatly missed sending my love to family ❤️❤️